The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that 2020 has been deemed the year of the nurse and midwife. Why? WHO and partners including, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), International Council of Nurses (ICN), Nursing Now and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) are in a year-long effort to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives, highlight the challenging conditions often faced and advocate for increased investments in the nursing and midwifery workforce.
Some important facts to consider:
Nurses and midwives make a significant contribution to delivering on the commitments made in the 2018 Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care, ensuring patient-centered care close to the community.
Nurses and midwives account for nearly 50% of the global health workforce.
For all countries to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3, WHO estimates that the world will need an additional 9 million nurses and midwives by the year 2030.
Nurses play a critical role in health promotion, disease prevention and delivering primary and community care. They provide care in emergency settings and will be key to the achievement of universal health coverage.
Achieving health for all will depend on having sufficient numbers of well-trained and educated, regulated and well supported nurses and midwives, who receive pay and recognition commensurate with the services and quality of care that they provide.
Investing in nurses and midwives is good value for money. The report of the UN High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth concluded that investments in education and job creation in the health and social sectors result in a triple return of improved health outcomes, global health security, and inclusive economic growth.
Globally, 70% of the health and social workforce are women compared to 41% in all employment sectors. Nursing and midwifery occupations represent a significant share of the female workforce.
These are significant points that the WHO stresses. So how should we celebrate?
Engage nursing students to write a paper with you to publish in a journal. This ensures that your students develop writing skills and can effectively communicate things like quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research.
Within the speaking industry, it is important to receive equal pay while doing an honoraria. As mentioned above, almost half of the worlds population are nurses, yet we are the most undervalued, often misrepresented in modern entertainment modalities, yet have high contributions to health. This is mentioned from discussions with this example.
Take better care of yourself. There is a changing workforce, including a high increase of millenials, yet millenials are the most unhealthy generation at work. Forbes. A new paradigm should include: Myself First, My Coworkers Second, My Patients Third. We must take care of ourselves first, make sure our coworkers are taken care of before we can care for others.
Celebrate the work of nurses other than Florence Nightingale. Wet nurses are well documented in the time of Ptolemy I (366-282 BCE) as well as documented education that is preserved on papyrus. Other examples: Mary Seacole- was a British-Jamaican business woman and nurse who set up the "British Hotel" behind the lines during the Crimean War. She described this as "a mess-table and comfortable quarters for sick and convalescent officers". Mary Eliza Mahoney- was the first African American to study and work as a professionally trained nurse in the United States, graduating in 1879. Bessie Blount Griffin- a nurse who then became a physical therapist and went on to become an inventor and forensic scientist. Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail- was the first Crow and one of the first Native Americans to graduate as a registered nurse in the United States. Mary Carson Breckinridge- was an American nurse midwife and the founder of the Frontier Nursing Service. Clara Barton- a pioneering American nurse who founded the American Red Cross. History
Let me know what you've done that is amazing for you. I will celebrate you till the sun comes up. Did you sink in a peripheral IV, under pressure, for the first time? Did you handle a tough situation well? Celebrate that. Thrive Global
Get Certified and practice to the full extent of your license. For APRN's, practicing to the full extend of one's license is getting better with new practices and law's changing in states. For the bedside nurse, becoming certified helps's the quality of patient care, resilience in tough situations and promotes a healthy work environment. The Future of Nursing / Science Direct / AACN
Set your intentions each day for your own nursing practice. A growing amount of evidence is supporting bringing mindfulness to bedside nursing and other nursing practices. Notably, mindfulness training has been associated with statistically significant increased relaxed states and decreased heart rate. Stress reduction and increased relaxed states may improve nurses' decision-making through enhanced situational awareness. Well-being.
Teach something. Not only will we increase the knowledge of our coworkers, but we will also increase knowledge within our selves. British Psychological Society
Write an abstract, write a manuscript or do something to improve the knowledge, practice, research and quality care within nursing. Showcase not only your expertise in nursing, but showcase the importance of knowledge within your practice. The Importance of Nursing Research
Get involved in a local or regional level in your specialty. AACN is one area with chapter involvement. AACN. There are many other organizations with local chapters that help promote networking, leverage community and help to broaden your practice.
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